Removing wisdom teeth can seem like a nuisance, not to mention an inconvenience. How long does wisdom tooth extraction take? Is it painful? Fortunately, our team at San Tan Oral Surgery in Gilbert, AZ, can take care of your teeth with skill and care. You don’t need a lot of time to provide you and your family with our experienced tooth removal team.
The time it takes to extract a tooth depends on several factors, including:
Surprisingly, removing a wisdom tooth takes just a few minutes without complications. However, pulling out an affected tooth can take up to 20 minutes. You can get in and out of our office in about an hour without complications!
We want you to be able to rest in your own home as soon as possible. The wisdom tooth removal Gilbert AZ should be ready in about an hour, so you can go home and relax at this point. Before leaving our office, we can talk to you about your recovery and how you can take care of yourself. If you need a more extensive operation, we would like to keep an eye on you until we know you are well. This usually takes just a few extra minutes.
Most of our patients only need a day off after extraction. If you have an affected tooth, you may want another day to recover. We can also schedule your extraction around the weekend, if this allows for a longer recovery time.
The 4 extra teeth at the back of our mouth are a genetic product of a time when humanity needed a few extra teeth to guarantee it. However, after centuries, we no longer need our wisdom teeth. Our mouths simply have no space.
Leaving the extra teeth in the mouth almost always creates complications later in life. Removing extra teeth can now take less time and future problems, such as:
Although you may need a day to rest after tooth extraction, you can avoid some visits to the dentist in the future by having all 4 wisdom teeth removed now.
Many people have one or two affected wisdom teeth. An affected tooth occurs when the tooth is trapped under the gum tissue or the gum cannot break. Fortunately, we have an experienced service team that knows how to extract wisdom teeth. Most affected tooth extractions take about 20 to 30 minutes. Our experienced oral surgeon and team work together to ensure that your surgery goes as smoothly as possible.
When you come to our office for the first time, we will check you in and install it in a room. Our team can answer your questions and help you feel comfortable. The anesthesiologist then administers the anesthesia.
The amount of anesthesia or sedation we use depends on your situation. A patient with an affected wisdom tooth will need more sedation, while an uncomplicated patient may only need local anesthesia. Local anesthesia can take 15 to 30 minutes to be fully effective.
Removing the teeth does not take long, but it should take some time to recover from the extraction. Following a few guidelines can shorten your recovery time and help you get back to normal as quickly as possible.
Most patients who have extracted 4 wisdom teeth should allow at least a full day to rest. This allows your body to be repaired and healed after surgery. You should also avoid:
When you’re ready to eat again, choose light foods like yogurt, pudding, applesauce, eggs, smoothies or soup. You can use your extraction as a reason to watch your favorite movie and have an ice cream!
It depends on what activities you want to resume. If you go back to school or work, it can work. However, you don’t want to start playing contact sports right away. For normal surgery, wait at least three days before resuming high-intensity activities. If you have surgery with affected teeth or other complications, wait about a week to play basketball or water ski, for example.
We know that you want to get back to your normal life as soon as possible. We are doing everything we can to ensure a speedy recovery. However, you can help by doing the following:
Save all main activities for later. Do not plan to change furniture or run with the police until you are fully recovered.
An affected wisdom tooth can cause serious health problems. It can damage other teeth, cause cysts, joint cavities, gum disease and even benign cysts or tumors. If your dentist has recommended wisdom teeth removal, read on. We explain exactly what to expect before, during and after tooth extraction.
Before tooth extraction, you will meet with the dentist. At this meeting, you will discuss any questions you have about tooth extraction and wisdom teeth restoration. The surgeon will ask questions about all medications you are taking and will examine your medical history.
They discuss the type of anesthesia he will use for tooth extraction surgery. Then, make an appointment to have your wisdom teeth removed Provide pets and children for the day of the surgery. Book sick days or vacation days at work. If you are at school, arrange the assignments in advance.
Operations to remove wisdom teeth usually take about 45 minutes. Extraction of the tooth is not painful because you are under the influence of anesthesia. You can choose between general, oral or intravenous sedation. Or your surgeon will recommend the best option for your procedure. In either case, you will be numb or asleep during the wisdom tooth removal process.
As soon as the medication comes into action, your surgeon will cut your gums with dental surgical instruments to remove wisdom teeth. The surgeon will sew the wounds so that your gums can heal quickly. These bites disappear on their own after a few days. So, you don’t have to go back to remove the stitches. After suturing the gums, the surgeon can coat them with gauze to absorb the blood. The medical team will then reduce the medication so that you can regain your alertness.
You will feel a little dizzy after tooth extraction surgery. You can expect swelling and pain at the extraction site and a little blood in your mouth. Your doctor will advise you on how to control your pain. It can be with prescription painkillers, an ice pack or over-the-counter medications.
Once you feel ready, you can go home. You cannot drive for a certain period of time after general anesthesia, so you will have to drive home. You have to rest for the rest of the day. You will probably sleep or rest in bed or on the couch for the rest of the day.
You need to take care of your mouth when you get home to avoid infections or complications. Follow your surgeon’s instructions carefully. Your surgeon will probably advise you not to brush your teeth, rinse your mouth or floss for 24 hours. He or she can tell you to rinse your mouth with salt water. In that case, don’t spit. Let the water drain from your mouth into the sink.
The dentist will give you enough gauze to take with you. Feel free to change your gauze as often as necessary. Gauze absorbs excess blood. You should be able to resume normal activities two or three days after wisdom teeth removal.
Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics to prevent infections. He or she will tell you how often and for how long to take pain medication. Take the pain reliever in a timely manner to avoid unnecessary pain.
You can eat immediately after wisdom teeth removal. But you may not have much of an appetite right after tooth extraction. During the first few days of wisdom teeth restoration, you should eat soft foods that you don’t need to chew. You also need to be careful not to disturb your bites when eating. Start with light foods like pudding, applesauce, broth, smoothies, mashed potatoes, ice cream and milkshakes. Remember that hydration is vital to your recovery.
Avoid eating too hot food. They can burn your sensitive gums at the site of extractions. Also, don’t eat nuts, seeds or hard, solid foods that can get stuck in the holes where your wisdom teeth were. Do not drink from a straw, as this can loosen newly formed blood clots. Slowly start eating more hearty foods when you feel like it.
Most people recover completely after wisdom teeth are removed in three or four days. However, if you have had an affected wisdom tooth, your recovery can take up to a week. However, the pain and swelling should improve significantly on the third day. Although it takes months for your surgical wounds to heal completely, you should be able to resume normal activities in about a day. You should avoid smoking, doing heavy exercise and drinking from a straw for a while.
You can develop an infection up to weeks or months after wisdom teeth are removed. Make sure that your oral hygiene is a priority. If you develop excessive bleeding, terrible pain, fever, increased swelling, numbness or blood or pus from the nose, contact your doctor immediately. Complications like these can mean nerve damage or an infection.
Wisdom tooth removal is a safe and widely used outpatient procedure. With proper care, you shouldn’t feel too uncomfortable during wisdom teeth restoration. Always talk to your oral surgeon about any concerns you may have beforehand. He or she can calm you down and answer any questions you may have.