Congress Dental Group - Arlington Dental

For Your Comfort

With the introduction of several safe techniques, a dental appointment is not considered quite as a dreadful experience anymore. Many people avoid visiting a dentist out of fear. However,
our caring dentist ensures that you get the best dental care without experiencing the fear and anxiety of pain. Congress Dental Group offers several mild sedation options and patient
amenities to help increase your comfort and make your experience at our practice more pleasant. To schedule your appointment with Dr. Robert Page in Boston, Massachusetts, and to learn
more about our comfort options, please contact us today at (617) 574-8700.

Our practice offers traditional sedation techniques, such as local anesthesia. We also offer drug-free relaxation techniques, such as massage chairs, to increase your comfort and to help
you feel at ease during your treatment. Local anesthesia is usually administered topically, through injection, or through a combination of both techniques. It is used to relieve the
sensation of pain in a small, localized area so that you do not experience discomfort during your procedure.

If you are someone with significant dental anxiety, these comfort options can be a great supplement to make your appointment with our dentists a pleasant experience. Contact us today for
more information.